Sunday, May 30, 2010

Episode 003: 1954 to 1972

In episode 003, we play out the rest of the time flash in 1954, then we go on to see Locke born in 1956, then visited as a child by Richard.  We also see Ben born, as his mother dies, and eventually ends up on an island.  The ending to this episode is a little anti-climactic, with Ben meeting Richard in the jungle, but it was done to create a bit of a bookend for the next episode.
This episode runs 53:15 and is 451MB to download.  You can stream below (via Facebook), or go here to use torrents (better quality, recommended) to download the episodes to your computer.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


    This is AWESOME. I have been in a funk since LOST ended, and now you have given me something to look forward to each day! PLEASE cont, and finish the project. I am enjoying the hell out of this!

  2. The cut from Locke telling Richard when he was born and to him being born and Richard coming to see him is awesome.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
