Thursday, July 29, 2010

Episode 064: December 3-5, 2004 (Days 73 to 75)

Jack is taken in for questioning about Juliet, and while he's in the cages, he sees Cindy, the flight attendant, and the children from the tail section.  They're there to watch the verdict on Juliet being delivered.  Alex tells him that Juliet's going to die, and he goes to Ben to tell him that he has an infection from the surgery, and that he'll die unless Jack helps him.  And in return, he asks Ben to save Juliet's life.  All of the Others leave Hydra Island and head back to the main island.  See how much better "Stranger in a Strange Land" is when it's only 20 minutes long?  We then take a trip off the island to learn about our science team.  First up, we see Charlotte Lewis in Tunisia, investigating the archeological dig of a polar bear with a Dharma collar on in the middle of the desert.  Then, in California, Miles Straume, visits a woman who asks him to put the spirit of her deceased son to rest.  Next we go to England, where we see video footage of an underwater sub exploring the supposed wreckage of Oceanic Flight 815.  Daniel Hawking is watching on TV and is very broken up about it, when Charles Widmore shows up to visit Dan and offer him a job opportunity.  Frank Lapidus is in the Bahamas when he sees footage of the wreckage, and calls the Oceanic hotline to claim that the body of the pilot isn't really the pilot, since he knew that man and knew he would have had his wedding ring on.  Back in England, Daniel's mother Eloise encourages him to accept Charles Widmore's offer and go to the island.  We finish up in New York, where Michael tries to visit Walt at his mother's, but she doesn't let him.  He then goes into an alley to try and kill himself again, when he runs into Tom Friendly.  Tom talks to him but Michael isn't having any of it.  Back at his apartment, he tries to shoot himself in the head, but the gun jams.  When he tries again, he's interrupted by footage of the crash on TV.  He goes to Tom's hotel to find out what's going on, where he's recruited to join Widmore's freighter that's heading to the island, where he'll be operating as a spy and is expected to kill everyone.  The episode runs 47:39 and is 387MB to download.  You can stream the episode below (via Facebook), or go here to use torrents (better quality, recommended) to download the episodes to your computer.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


  1. Out of curiosity, what program to use to edit these?

  2. I used Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 to edit everything.

  3. Awesome as usual, but why did you put the discovery of the fake 815 after the Charlotte and Miles scenes? Charlotte reads a newspaper about it and Miles hears about it on the radio...

  4. Interesting question, I guess I hadn't really thought about it. The short answer is that I probably just left them in the order that they were aired and didn't think twice about re-organizing them. I don't know that there is any specific order that the reveals need to occur in, since they're in all different parts of the world, and I'd like to think that the news would be covered over a period of a few days by the major media outlets, so I guess I didn't put much thought into what order their backstories should be shown to us in.

    How's that for a vague answer?

  5. the sequence originally aired beginning with the discovery, then daniel, miles, charlotte, frank, concluding with naomi - did naomi's scene get left out?

  6. I also thought it was odd to have mentions of the plane being discovered before the discovering of the plane.

  7. Not-quite-chronologically lost, this one. It doesn't make much sense in this order, unfortunately.

  8. I have to say I was disappointed with the sequencing in this episode as well. "How many different languages do you have to read that in to believe it's true?" ...

  9. What is the yacht shown on the horizon in part 2 around 3:16? It's shown a couple times.

    1. Yeah, I'm not sure, never really noticed it before. Couldn't really find any discussion about it on the internet either.

  10. Nevermind the complaints. I thought it was great to see these characters re-enter after seeing them earlier in life. Brings a new dynamic to the show that we have a really hard time appreciating in the "as it aired" order.
