Sunday, August 22, 2010

Episodes 097-101: Epilogue

Well, we've reached the end of our journey (Or for those of you that choose to ignore the flash sideways' existence, then we ended our journey yesterday).  101 episodes.  84 hours.  The entire series, for you, in chronological order.  It's been a lot of fun for me working on this project, but also a lot of work.  I've put a solid nine months of work into this, and at times I never thought I'd see the end.  I'm glad I was able to share this project with so many different people (I've had over 20,000 people visit this site from 109 different countries), and I'm certainly glad I was able to share it all without receiving a cease and desist letter from ABC :-)

This post contains the final five episodes of the series, the entire flash sideways world presented as an epilogue.  I'm not going to do a summary for the entire chapter, we all know what it is.  Our characters, in an afterlife of sorts, living a somewhat similar version of their previous lives, only not exactly the same.  Over time, each of them 'wakes up', remembers what their lives really were, and realizes that they have all died and are now together once again.  Couple things to keep in mind when watching the epilogue: First, I used some creative freedom and inverted the LOST opener and closer, because this set of episodes is different from the rest of the series, so I thought black text on white background was a cool way to differentiate.  Second, I have no doubt that some of you will notice that there is quite a lot that occurs between when we see Jin & Sun together in the hotel room, and Keamy showing up at Sun's hotel room and taking the both of them.  In a perfect world, the latter would precede the former by merely a day.  However, in what I assume is just a continuity error by the writers, the events in Keamy's kitchen take place nearly a week after Oceanic 815 landed.  So that created a definite problem in how events are depicted in Jin & Sun's storyline.  I tried to make it fit as best I could, so if you feel like it looks a little off, that's why.

The five episodes run 54:42, 50:02, 45:52, 47:53 and 63:52.  You can stream below (via Facebook), or go here to use torrents (better quality, recommended) to download the episodes to your computer.

Episode 97

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Episode 98

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Episode 99

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Episode 100

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Episode 101

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


  1. Firstly, excellent work.

    Secondly, it's not a continuity error. Time doesn't exist in the Sideways, so what may be a week for some characters may be just a day for others.

  2. I have followed this Blog since your first vid. It has truly given me an interesting new perspective on this show - its characters and why things happened the way they did. Your dedication to this project showed in every video and I can't thank you enough for the hard work you did here. I also wondered how in the HELL you did it all without out ABC cracking down on you! :) At any rate, great work, sir. From one fan to another, thank you.

  3. WOW! What can I say, I too have been following since the very first episode. Everyday, I would look forward to an episode or 2. That was the first thing I did when I got home from work was watch Chronologically LOST. Thank You for an AMAZING rewatch. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. My LOST experience has changed (in a good way). THANK YOU FOR THIS AWESOME EXPERIENCE! Bring on the DVD torrents! :)

  4. Infinite respect sir. Thanks for this and your extremely hard work. You are the man!

  5. Mr. Maloney, Thank you for this. When summer first started, I said I was going to make a chronological version of LOST because no one was doing it and I thought I would have to be the only person to do it. I had uploaded the pilot onto my computer to start the process, and when I checked online to see if the name ChronoLOST was taken, it totally was. And I stumbled onto this blog the day the second episode went up and I have been watching religiously ever since. And let me tell you, I was so relieved to see that someone else thought of it and did the work and executed the project in such a way that even ABC left you alone to do it. It's been an awesome 3 1/2 months. I am forever grateful.

  6. i just finished watching all the episodes and i am emotionally wrecked. thank you so much for putting this together mike. i can understand people's frustration with the sideways during the initial run, but seeing it again, presented this way, i'm convinced this show is the greatest achievement in television.

  7. @b447628 - Thanks, and I love the outside the box thinking on the timeline issues!

    @Paul Vos @michael @ Rolf @Salvador @joelarue - Thank you all for the kind words, I'm glad others were able to enjoy this as well!

  8. I just realized Ilana lost her accent in the flash sideways.

  9. Congratulations on sharing this epic project with LOST fans. Are your plans to maintain this site for the balance of this year? or into 2011?

  10. This dude has vanished, guess he has no plans.

    Or he's busy with his big plan, but nevertheless, this dude vanished.

  11. @Oane Fear not, I am still around.

    @LotteryTicket Thanks! I still have some things that I would like to work on, so expect updates on the site, although they may be sporadic.

  12. What happened to episode 101? I'm scared.

  13. @Salvador I think the Smoke Monster ate it.

  14. That was amazing!! Thank you for your work, only 2 weeks before i found out your project and now i finished it. Thanks again man !

  15. Hi, just found all of this and it looks AWESOME! Thank you. My first question is, (since this is in blog format) in what order should we view these, top to bottom or bottom to top?


    1. Thanks, I hope you enjoy. Start at episode 001 and work your way up from there. So I think that's bottom to top?

  16. I haven't even watched these, but I want to thank you for them anyway. This is the kind of thing I love doing with comic book stories I own (i.e. reading them in chronological order rather than publication order), but this is on a MUCH larger scale. Hats off to you.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Ever thought about uploading the original episodes as they were so people could watch them that way or download them and make their own versions?

    1. You mean just uploading the LOST TV show? Why don't people just buy the Blu-rays or watch it on Amazon or iTunes? Not sure why I should just blatantly pirate the show like that.

  19. Hey Mike I appreciate you making this available!!
    I watched the Netflix version before I found this and there were so many questions I had that your version and all this dialog answered for me.
    This show is really deep but I have enjoyed it.

  20. Part 1 of episode 101 doesn't seem to be there. Part 2 is there twice.


    2. Yes please fix this, It sucks having the last episode incomplete

  21. Thank you, Mike, for having crafted this incredible edit of LOST together!

    You know, when I started watching it, I had a sudden realization about life in general. There are so many mysteries around us because our "Episode 1" happens once a lot of the "backstory" has ocurred and we haven't experienced it first-hand. However, seeing LOST this way shows that if we had been "spawned" at around the time of the Big Bang (for instance) and did not age (possessed some sort of immortality), reality would not have been as mysterious, as it is quite often now.

    That's why I think LOST is a masterpiece which should be neither remade, nor receive a sequel series.

    Thanks again and see you in another life, brotha!

  22. Thanks again! I commented too soon on the early episodes--these epilogues, now properly put together--were surprisingly moving in the final moments. Watching the series in this new format really changed Season 6 for me. Thanks!

    1. Glad you liked it. I do really like Season 6 in this format. When it aired, the flash sideways was portrayed as a mystery, something like an alternate reality that we never understood because it came right after the Incident in 1977. It wasn't until after the fact that we learned it was simply a story that took place after everything that came on island.

      Once you know that, I think the flash sideways works really well as a satisfying final sendoff for the main characters. So being able to group all of that together into an epilogue in Chronologically LOST was really effective.

      Plus, the on island stuff flows better, I think, although I admit there are some times where there are parallel scenes between on island and the flash sideways that you end up missing out on this way.
